Why you DON’T Need all the digitals… | Photography Studio, Charlotte NC

I know, I know, this may be an unpopular opinion…. but hear me out. You do NOT need ALLLLLLLLL the digital images from your photography studio in Charlotte, NC. As a society, we are trained to always want MORE, always want everything we can get. But think about your last photo session— picture all those images in your mind. Can you remember them all? Do you have them all printed and up on your wall so that you can look at all your images everyday? If you’re anything like me, that answer is going to be a big fat NO! Most of us have a few favorites from each session that we love, cherish and print.. and the others are just sitting on your computer in a file folder doing absolutely nothing. So why do we always want more, more, more? My photography studio in Charlotte, NC really focuses on providing high quality images and prints for you and your home. The ones that truly matter- the images you have to have on your walls so that you can look at them as you walk down the hallway near your child’s room.

Why Quality over QUantity is key! | Photography Studio Charlotte, NC

  • MORE is not always better. There is a lot of culling I do as a photographer- pulling out photos that are not in focus, or where someone is blinking and making a goofy face. It takes me hours to edit images, so if we truly focus on your gotta have amazing photos, I can spend a lot of time on each image making sure that they are perfect for you! If I’m editing 75 photos, I don’t have that time luxury to be quite as picky about the quality of each photo.

  • Lack of wall space— think about where in your home you want your photos! Are you wanting a gallery wall with a ton of prints in a hallway? Or do you love albums? Albums are one of my personal favorites because they can house more images in a smaller quantity of space. You don’t have to worry about which ones you’ll have to replace next year when you update photos again! Choose the photos you want everyone to see when they come over.

  • Digitals can be lost— quality not only refers to the editing, but also that you should be printing those quality images!! Otherwise, why else do the photo shoot?! We only have about 5 wedding photos that we printed and that is all we have from our wedding. Technology changes quickly… we lost all three wedding disks of photos between a couple of moves, my laptop crashed and lost the images I had saved on there… all we have left are the photos that we had printed from Walgreens of all places. I wish I had taken the time to professionally print our photos and maybe save them in 17 different places! ( I didn’t have my own photography studio in Charlotte NC and wasn’t even a photographer yet!)

Best of Both Worlds…. | Photography Studio in Charlotte, NC

While I do happen to be a giant advocate for prints and offer them at my photography studio in Charlotte, NC…. OF COURSE you get the matching digitals too. I know that you still want to be able to post photos on Facebook and send them to your friends! If you book at my studio, you’re truly getting the best of both worlds. You can choose digital only options…. but the best options include a blend of the two. You can choose loose or matted prints that also come with the matching digital images that you get on a USB (for now) and also to download digitally.

If you are looking for a photography studio in Charlotte, NC, I am your girl! I would love to show you all the neat photography products that I offer! We will plan your session together so that you can get the photos you love that will look amazing in our home!

Feel free to reach out to chat about your photo needs!


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