Quick Little Cakes… Cake Baker Extraordinaire!

Quick Little Cakes is a fabulous local baker who is responsible for MOST of my smash cakes in all of the cake smash sessions that I post! I have used Anna for YEARS. We have a really great connection where I can send her my inspo ideas and she just sneaks into my brain and manages to make the perfect cake for the set! My clients rave about how cute the cakes are and always love the taste too! (Sometimes even more than the babies!) I am totally not a frosting person, but I am obsessed with the flavor of hers! I reached out to Anna from Quick Little Cakes to see if she would do a little interview for the blog, so you could get to know her better!

Interviewing Quick Little Cakes!

Question: What sparked your interest in cakes and the cake decorating world in general?

A. My mom made wedding cakes when I was young and let my sisters and I use the leftover frosting to practice roses and things. It’s a favorite memory I’m so lucky to be able to pursue as a career now!

Question: How long have you been baking cakes?

A. 8 years!

Question: What is your favorite flavor of cake?

A. My favorite cake is carrot because it was my great grandmothers recipe and makes me feel close to her.

Question: What is your favorite thing about making cakes?

A. I enjoy having the creative outlet - I think I would be so bored if I didn’t get to create things! (I love this too! This is one of the reasons I love doing photography and get a little jittery if I haven’t had a session in awhile!)

Question: How do you juggle having small children and running your own small business?

A. I bake late at night with favorite tv shows in the background. It’s not always easy juggling everything but it’s worth it because my kids are really proud of my work.

Last, but not least… I asked Anna what she did for fun. She said her favorite thing to do for fun is…… BAKE! (Color me NOT surprised) 6 inch decorative cakes because they are the perfect proportions. But she also loves staying in treehouses and doing fun little getaways when she has downtime.

Quick Little Cakes Offerings!

While Anna definitely makes some amazing smash cakes, of course that is not all she’s limited to! She has made large cakes for my own kiddos’ birthdays and also offers cupcakes and cake pops! She offers a full dessert table menu and loves creating shooters and items that might match the main big cake! Anna can make custom cookies as well.

She offers a variety of flavor options and can accommodate many allergies. She has done nut fee, dairy free and egg free cake options for some of my smash sessions.

Definitely check Quick Little Cakes out for all of your baking needs! She’s incredibly sweet and truly talented with her cakes! You can check out her facebook page here.

And if you’re thinking about scheduling a smash session for your little one… I would love to chat with you!!


Things to do in Charlotte NC with Kids!


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