What does a doula even do!? | Charlotte Doulas

Many people have heard of doulas, but don’t know what they do or why they should consider using a doula. I used a doula for my second child and she was AMAZING. Why did I want a doula? My first birth experience was not at all what I had pictured or wanted for my birth. I went into it (young and naive) sure that my body would do what it needed to do. I was the mom who didn’t watch the C-section videos (because I sure wasn’t going to have one), wanted a natural labor, wanted to try water, wanted to be able to walk around during my labor, and did NOT want pitocin. I didn’t get anything that I wanted from my birth, except for the best baby ever. (Which of course was 100% worth it). My son was floating, he was sunny side up, and I labored for 36 hours and never made it past 5 cm. My providers gave me the option of laboring 6 more hours, but at that point I didn’t think I would have enough energy to push if I even made it to 10. So a c-section it was, and honestly it wasn’t really as bad as I thought it would be. But that didn’t mean that for baby number 2, I didn’t want to try again for that birth experience I desperately wanted.

Since I am one of those introverted quiet people, and my husband just needed to be present for me, I decided a doula was the best option for me. I needed someone to help me speak to staff and help guide my husband on how to support me during labor. This time around, I wanted a VBAC. I wanted no pitocin, I wanted to avoid (maybe) meds, and I wanted to stay at home for as long as possible so I wouldn’t have to be in the hospital for very long. I met with a couple of doulas to find out who might be a good fit for me, and we settled on one. She would come whenever I wanted her to when I was in labor and she would be there basically the whole birth process. I let her know all of my birth wishes, hopes and dreams and relied on her to be able to communicate FOR me, since I knew I would be in a vulnerable birthing state.

She was worth every penny. This labor was just as long as the last (36 hours) and the staff was not very supportive of a VBAC in general. There was one nurse in particular who literally asked (everytime she walked into the room) if I was ready for a c-section yet. I was SO glad to have the extra support to talk to that nurse, and someone who stayed cool and calm and helped me through contractions along with my husband. She was supportive, she was soothing, and she was a person that I trusted to be there with me and to be on my side. I did get the birth experience I wanted— a healthy baby, no pitocin, a vaginal delivery, AND my epidural wore off during the pushing phase, so I got to feel all that pain. (Which I super don’t recommend, I am now 100% for epidural, haha).

So, back to that title…. what does a doula even do!? A doula offers emotional support during labor, helps your significant other help you, and can be your advocate wen you need it.

newborn photographer charlotte nc displays newborn baby photo above a white crib. Nursery has a wooden floor and white shiplap wall with a chandelier above the crib.

Is a doula right for you?

I feel like there is no right or wrong answer to this question. I did not use one for my 3rd, but I felt like we had already done this two other times and I was honestly VERY comfortable with my OB. She was all for a VBAC and wasn’t worried that we would have any trouble doing it the regular way since I had already done it once. (By the way, my labor was only 18 hours with baby #3 WOOT WOOT!) So I would ask yourself- do you trust your provider? Do you have support? DO you think your partner will be supportive and able to help you efficiently? If not, consider a doula! I don’t think you would ever regret hiring a doula.

Where can I find Charlotte DOula Recommendations?

I have tried to help you with that a little. I haven’t worked personally with any Charlotte doulas. (My second was born in Ohio) I did some digging around the Facebook moms groups I am a part of, and there were three names that were mentioned a LOT in particular and recommended by moms who have personally used them

  • Carley Soma came up in every post that I found for doula posts. She was recommended by different moms every time- and her name SPECIFICALLY.

  • Aussie Doula came up in every post that I found as well. This is a practice with multiple doulas… and apparently Carley above is one of them! They would be a good recommendation to check out!

  • The Savvy Doula came up repeatedly as well. I checked out her website and she also offers childbirth education classes! You can visit her info here

Hope that information helps you decide if you would like to use a doula for your pregnancy! If you are wanting to book a maternity shoot, I schedule those between 31-37 weeks and would love to be your maternity photographer! If you book a newborn session as well, you get a few perks— so check that out too!


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