The Boobtique LKN- Your local mom expert on all things lactation, prenatal and birth!

Pregnancy is beautiful and it really truly is one of the most amazing things our bodies can do.  Growing a perfect little human with 10 tiny fingers and toes!?  It’s pretty astounding when you really think about it. It seems like if our bodies can do so much, everything should come just as naturally, right?  I can’t speak for everyone, but I know a LOT did not come naturally to me while nursing and I was definitely not expecting that! The good news is, there are helpful experts for that! I got to meet one at a local pop up recently and I wish that I would have known her while I was having my own kiddos! I reached out to Brianna, the owner of The Boobtique LKN to ask a few questions that I think would be helpful for all new and expecting mothers!

What is The Boobtique LKN and what services does she offer new moms?

Bri Blankenbicker is a Registered Nurse (RN), Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), ICEA Certified Childbirth Educator (ICCE), HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator (HBCE) and the owner of The Boobtique. She is a natural minded mama to four young children and a contractor's wife.They love spending time as a family out on the lake and homesteading with their mini farm.

Services that Bri offers with The Boobtique

Holistic Lactation Support:

  • In home pre and postnatal lactation consultations

  • In office pre and postnatal lactation consultations

  • Virtual pre and postnatal lactation consultations

  • Pre & post weights

Comprehensive Prenatal Education:

  • Labor & Birth

  • Breastfeeding 101

  • Newborn Care

  • Natural Coping Measures for Labor & Birth

  • HypnoBirthing

  • & More

Personalized Birth Planning Support

  • She can help you get your ideal birth down on paper. What to ask for, how to advocate for that vision, things to avoid... 

  • She provides you with a very provider/ nurse friendly template to express your preferences to your birth team

maternity gown blue

Bri’s Top tips for new moms!

1. Invest in your education!!

  • So many of the stressors that new parents experience could either be avoided or minimized with good, solid preparation. Unfortunately, a lot of hospital based education only tells you what they want you to know and may not even be taught by a certified childbirth educator. 

  • With working independently, I am able to provide families with essentially ALL of their options to really help minimize a lot of fears/ anxieties. 

2. Don't try to overcome any breastfeeding obstacles on your own. 

    • If you are experiencing any challenges with breastfeeding, please reach out to an experienced IBCLC for support. Examples of this may include: engorgement, mastitis, tongue/lip ties, pain with nursing, using a nipple shield, slow weight gain for baby, supplemental feedings...

    • Unfortunately, most of the time OBGYN's and pediatricians do not receive as extensive training in breastfeeding/ infant feeding as an IBCLC does. So, please just ensure you are receiving recommendations from the most appropriately trained individuals. 

3. Have a game plan for your delivery day.

  • If you want the birth of your baby to go a certain way- learn all the things surrounding it, make it your plan, make sure everyone in the delivery room knows your wishes and don't be shy advocating for that vision. 

    • Especially if planning to go unmedicated, that really does require some planning and preparation. 

  • If you plan to just "see what happens," you're more likely to receive interventions that may differ from your vision.

4. {Insert poop emoji here…} happens!

  • One of the best things I did as a parent was order an extra set of car seat fabric!

  • When a car seat blowout or spit up explosion happens, I don't have to wait for the car seat to be washed and dried before being able to leave the house again.

5. Give yourself grace and cherish every moment!

  • Things may not be picture perfect as you adjust to this new life as a mom and that's perfectly okay! Give yourself grace and don't be hard on yourself, I promise you're doing a great job!

  • Don't blink mama, these years are going to fly by! I know the days may feel long but I promise you the years are short! 

  • When you have a baby, everyone is going to want to come see the baby and love on them! That is amazing but please don't act like a host to appease others. When you have a baby your 3 jobs are rest, recovery, and feeding- that's it. If your village wants to come visit, great, have them come bring you dinner, fold your laundry, load the dishwasher... You can hold and feed your baby. 

The Boobtique LKN’s Contact Info, Hours, and Service Area

Bri has an office in Mooresville and serves mainly the Lake Normal area. She does offer both virtual and in person appointments if you live outside the Lake Norman Area. Bri also offers home visits within 30 minutes of Mooresville, Northern Charlotte, Concord and the China Grove area.

Here is how you can contact Bri with The Boobtique LKN

By email:

or website:

Get to know Bri and her journey through Motherhood

“I have four amazing kiddos! They are 6, 5, almost 2, and 5 months old. I have had 2 hospital births, 1 birth center birth, and 1 home birth. I've also had unique breastfeeding journeys with each of my children as well. I believe that my background as a nurse + lactation consultant AND four- time mama really helps me be able to relate to lots of families and really empathize with their individual situations.” Bri from The Boobtique LKN.

After meeting Bri during the pop up, I would definitely recommend you check her out if you are expecting or looking for a lactation consultant! She has a very calming presence and is easy to relate to. These are definitely the types of people you want on your side to help with childbirth wishes, education, labor, and all things nursing!

And remember— if you want an experienced newborn photographer, reach out to schedule your photo session! You can shoot me a message here.


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