Q & A with a Prenatal Chiropractor | Charlotte, NC

Being pregnant takes a toll on your body. What can you do to ease some of the pain? Prenatal massage is always an option, but prenatal chiropractors are an awesome option too. My friend who was pregnant with twins went weekly for her third trimester and raved about how much better it truly made her feel. I wanted to get some information for all you expectant mommas, so I reached out to a local prenatal chiropractor Dr. Nick Niday from AlignLife. Here are some answers to common questions about pre-natal chiropractic care AND pediatric/newborn chiropractic care that Charlotte NC moms have!

Q. What are the benefits of prenatal chiropractic care?

A. “There are so many benefits to prenatal chiropractic care.  Several moms have reported that the birthing process was easier, there was less time for the healing process, less sciatic nerve pain, heartburn, anterior groin pain, and many other improvements after receiving care.”

Q. How often can expectant moms be seen?

A. “How often a mom should be seen is going to depend on several factors.  The technique being used, the desired outcome, the diagnostic imaging, and more.  There is crisis care and there is wellness care so it just depends on if they are looking for a bandaid or looking to get to the root cause of the problem.”

expecting mama looks over her shoulder in an off the shoulder gown with coastal sunset behind her

Q. What should moms typically expect at their appointment?

A. “I can only speak for our office but after the consult, exam, any necessary imaging and the report, a typical appointment will be around 5 min where you will come in, be greeted by our rockstar staff and then you will lay on the adjusting table.  From there you will have your leg length checked and spine checked for your subluxation pattern.  Any needed adjustments will be made and your nervous system will be free of interference so you can thrive and get back to your life.  All of our care plans are custom to the patient so there may be some slight differences between your visit and the next persons but your health is our greatest concern.”

Q. What about chiropractic care for my newborn? Is it safe?

A. “It is absolutely safe for the baby.  My youngest patient was 26 hours old!!!  I just saw a 3 day old kiddo yesterday.  We use different approaches for babies and kids than we do for adults.  Parents have reported less colic, better bathroom schedule, better latching, improved sleep, and much more for their babies that are under chiropractic care.”

And just do get to know Dr. Nick Niday of Alignlife a little better…

Q. What made you want to become a chiropractor?

A.Chiropractic actually found me.  After I got out of the Military, I worked in corporate America and was unhappy.  I looked into dental school but didn't want all the student loan debt.  My wife is the one who pointed me in the direction of chiropractic and pushed me to pursue it.”

newborn girl with bonnet charlotte, nc

I never personally tried prenatal chiropractic care, but I wish that I would have! I have also heard wonderful things from many colleagues about adjustments for newborn especially after a c-section or if you have a colicky baby. Something about missing that squeeze from the walls on the way out that can be really important for baby’s well being!

Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions you would like me to investigate for you. OR better yet, reach out to Dr. Nick who is very approachable and easy to talk to! You can find his Facebook info here or his IG here. He has a website where you can fill out an info form or book your appointment and he is located in Waxhaw right on Main Street!

Hope that helps!



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