How to Pack the PERFECT Hospital Bag for a Natural Birth in Charlotte, NC

If you’re planning a med-free birth in Charlotte, I have something you’re going to love! I’m talking about packing your hospital bag, but this isn’t an ordinary list. This is one crafted JUST FOR Charlotte Moms planning a med-free or natural birth.

I remember when I was packing my bag for my first and I had no clue where to start! Other than my own labor gown and some nipple cream, I really had no idea what to pack in my bag. I learned my lesson second baby around and made sure to bring pajama pants big enough to fit my post partum stomach and pacis (in case the hospital doesn’t provide them!), along with must have snacks for pre and post labor!

Ready to get started? Let’s make sure your bag is packed with everything you need to feel empowered during your med-free birth.

The Hospital Bag Essentials

First, bring plenty of snacks and your favorite beverages.

There are a few things you'll want to make sure you have on hand to keep your energy up during labor.

Pack snacks that are high in protein and easy to eat on the go, like granola bars or nuts. You'll also want to bring along a water bottle or two, as staying hydrated is key during labor.

Consider bringing liquid IV or something else to replenish electrolytes.

It's always a good idea to have a few changes of clothes with you in case your labor goes longer than expected. After all, you never know what might happen during childbirth!

For natural birth in Charlotte, NC, you want to pack items that will keep you comfortable and relaxed.

There are a few things you can bring to the hospital to help make your natural birth more comfortable and relaxed.

Consider bringing a loose-fitting nightgown or robe. This will help you stay comfortable during labor, and it will also make it easier for nurses and doctors to check your progress (if you choose).

Bring some washcloths and towels, as well as a small bottle of unscented lotion. These can be used to wipe your face and body during labor, and the lotion can be used to keep your skin from getting too dry.

Also, pack a small case with any essential oils or other relaxation techniques that you want to use during labor. This could include a diffuser and some lavender oil, or a positive affirmations deck.

Photo by Erin Wilwert Photography

Another game-changer for your birth experience? Bringing a doula!

She won’t fit in your hospital bag, but she might carry it for you!

A doula gives support, both emotional and physical, and can be an incredible advocate for you during labor. They're not only there to help you stay calm and focused but also to use their knowledge to enhance your comfort using techniques like massage and position changes. I had a doula with my second childbirth, as my first ended up in the c-section I really hadn’t wanted. I pushed for a VBAC with my second and hired a doula who could help speak up for me, since I tend to be on the quiet, non-confrontational side. She was absolutely worth her weight in gold!

I’ve connected with so many incredible Charlotte doulas – click here to see who I recommend. 

When you come prepared with these items, you can help ensure that your natural birth is as comfortable and relaxing as possible.

If you're planning on breastfeeding, pack a nursing bra and some nursing pads

Here's a list of items you could pack in your hospital bag:

●      A nursing pillow: This will help you to position your baby correctly while breastfeeding.

●      Nursing pads: These absorb leakage and help to keep your clothing dry.

●      Breast milk storage bags: These can be used to store expressed milk for later use.

●      Lanolin cream: This can be used to soothe sore nipples.

●      A water bottle: This will help you to stay hydrated while nursing.

By packing these items in your hospital bag, you'll be prepared to start breastfeeding as soon as your baby is born!

A lot of lactation consultants recommend against pacifiers, saying that it can impede latching. My advice is to do what works for you. I did nurse all three of my babies and I also introduced pacis at the hospital during those first three days because let’s be honest, my nipples needed a dang break. If you haven’t heard already, your baby is probably going to want to spend most of his or her time at your boob. Colostrum is amazing and comes in small quantities— so your baby nurses often to get more of those precious drops, and also to try and stimulate your supply. None of my children had any confusion with my nipples and pacifiers— so again, just do what works for you!!

Next, if you're having a water birth, make sure to pack a top that can get wet or a swimsuit.

Water births can provide a more relaxed birth experience. If you're planning on having a water birth, there are a few things you'll need to bring with you to the hospital.

Consider bringing a swimsuit. You'll also need a large towel to dry off after the birth, and a small towel to place under your head while you're in the tub.

Don't forget to bring your hypnobirthing audio or other calm meditations you might want to listen to during labor!

Water births can be an incredible experience!

Of course, don't forget your birth photographer or Fresh 48 photographer!
There's something to be said for hiring a professional birth photographer! Here are just a few benefits of having a birth photographer on hand for your hospital birth:

  1. They can capture all the special moments, from the first push to the moment your baby is placed in your arms.

  2. They know how to work within the strict confines of a hospital setting, meaning you'll get beautiful photos without disrupting the flow of your labor and delivery.

  3. They can help you feel more comfortable and relaxed during labor, knowing that they're taking care of documenting everything.

So, if you're considering hiring a birth photographer for your upcoming hospital birth, rest assured that you'll be in good hands! Click here to see more of my Charlotte Fresh 48 Photography.

And don't forget, if you're looking for a Charlotte birth photographer, I'd love to chat with you about capturing your beautiful moment.

Click here to see more of my Charlotte Newborn Photography 

Looking for maternity photos too? Head here for materity photo session info!


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